“I think if you are creating something unique with the intention of presenting it to an audience and want to have an active dialogue about, that is art. Art cannot be personal - at all - you can't create something and then never let anyone see it. Art has to be shared. It's essential.” –Conor Hogan, senior telecommunications major
“In high school we had a revolving dark room door and I loved how every time you entered and exited, it was like coming and going into two different worlds. I've never felt so comfortable doing something before, like I was always meant to do it. Art means everything to me, particularly photography.” –Jen Lin, junior photography and French major
“Art is a form of expression. It can take place in any format (even though it's mostly considered "art" if it falls under the fine arts categories of music, painting, sculpture, etc.) But it goes beyond that. Art comes from being passionate about what it is that inspires you. I believe it is completely possible to be an artist in your own right, in your own way, in your own field, professionally and recreationally.” –Sam Browning, junior public relations major
I really like all of the responses I’ve gotten and believe in all of them. As a theater minor I've taken numerous theater and fine arts classes and there is one thing that is repeated over and over again: art is not created in a vacuum. Not only does it define us as artists, but it defines the world around us.

My art of choice: musicals.
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